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Jack of all trades, master of none.....but I guess that is all it takes.

Sunday, November 7, 2010

To be on the Receiving End of a Pail of Cold Water

Life was nothing but a deep slumber in a wintery cold night; assumptions just parts of a blanket made to keep myself protected, content, at peace. But it was never big enough against the cold realties that always seemed to penetrate....and then came the pail of cold water.

The experience, well, it leaves you senseless, numb...talking gibberish; pathetically trying to find in dark that one switch of reason that’ll help you understand what just happened, the who, the why.

Little by little I try to get back any resemblance to normality, piece by piece, memory by memory, word by word. It’s like solving a jig-saw puzzle, a huge montage that is my life. The trouble is that nothing is same anymore...the fear is nothing ever will be again. All the while recuperating, feeling those sudden shivers that is the cold which has penetrated deep within. And this is when I realize the problem now is not the cause, not the pail of cold water, but the chill it had brought, the uncertainties it had spread.

In this puzzle that is life, there are always new pieces to be stumbled upon, there are always some pieces that remain lost; until I die I’ll keep finding and losing them...that is the way how it will be. This flood today washed few pieces off and brought ashore some old pieces back. It’ll take time to build the whole thing again, it’ll take some effort to find and fit them all. All I can hope is that when this day ends, I still have the pieces that matter the most.

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